biohybrids limited

The BioHybrids group is comprised of multiple companies with an overall structured and coherent common aim. They are all concerned with the development of improved, sustainable crop production, processing and marketing in both tropical and temperate zones. They help implement the use of integrated crop management systems by including all aspects of soil, plants and environment together with social and economic considerations. They carry out work at all levels in the production chain from feasibility, planning, management to implementation. They also believe in, and facilitate, knowledge, skills and information transfer.        

group profile   
recent projects    prospects


tropical agriculture consultants

temperate agriculture


contact information

Peter Caligari - Managing Director
Keith Lobley - Company Secretary

postal address
        BioHybrids Limited, PO Box 2411, Earley, Reading, RG6 5FY, UK
        + 44 (0) 118 969 1757
+44 (0) 118 921 9028
electronic mail
        General Information:


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Copyright © 2004-2011 BioHybrids Ltd
Last modified: 26 April 2011