research & development

"reduction to practice"


group profile

The BioHybrids group of companies benefits from a wealth of knowledge and expertise on temperate and tropical crops - their breeding, propagation, management and exploitation. We have a wide range of experience of many agricultural and horticultural cropping systems in developing and developed countries around the world.

Our knowledge base in the companies represents a rarely available combination of expertise and experience. This gives us an unequalled platform for the implementation of research and development programmes: from those that are highly technical, exploiting cutting edge molecular and biotechnological methods to practical husbandry and management systems. We have direct expertise of working with crop plants and soils in a range of countries and circumstances around the world. We also can draw on a wide range of well-developed skills in deploying information technology and carrying out the management of large r&d programmes. 

Our proven competence allows the fluent development of integrated approaches that are tailored to the realistic conditions of the client and encompass complete livelihood systems. We have extensive working experience of participatory knowledge and technology transfer to farmers, farmer groups and other clients. We are independent in outlook, as well as affiliation, and are recognised for undertaking all tasks with unquestioned care and consideration to all aspects of the work, as well as the social and environmental conditions.

We have experts covering the whole spectrum of operations from initial feasibility through ground preparation to processing and marketing, including monitoring and evaluation. We are happy working with clients at all levels, from subsistence farmers to large companies.


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Copyright © 2004-2011 BioHybrids Ltd
Last modified: 26 April 2011